See frequently asked questions

We are here to provide you creative solutions to your problems

At IBS, our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive solutions for any challenges or problems you may be encountering. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we’re here to offer support, guidance, and expertise to ensure that we address your concerns effectively. Whether you’re seeking assistance with any specific issues we’re ready to collaborate with you to find the best possible solutions. Your peace of mind is important to us, and we look forward to helping you navigate through any difficulties you may be experiencing


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Frequently asked questions

A: IBS Guwahati offers a comprehensive range of design services, including residential and commercial interior design, remodeling, and consultation services.

A: Our design process typically involves an initial consultation to understand client needs, followed by concept development, detailed planning, implementation, and a final walkthrough to ensure complete satisfaction.


A: Absolutely! We pride ourselves on tailoring our designs to match your unique style and preferences. Whether it’s modern, traditional, or eclectic, our team can adapt to various design aesthetics.


A: Yes, sustainability is a key consideration in our designs. We offer eco-friendly options, incorporating sustainable materials and practices to align with environmentally conscious design.


A: We work closely with clients to establish realistic budgets at the beginning of a project. Our team is skilled at finding creative solutions that align with financial constraints without compromising on quality.


A: Certainly! Visit our portfolio section on the website to explore a diverse range of completed projects, showcasing our design versatility and expertise.


A: The timeline varies based on the scope and complexity of the project. During the initial consultation, we discuss project timelines, ensuring realistic expectations and efficient project delivery.


A: Yes, we provide post-design services to address any maintenance needs or updates. Our goal is to ensure that your space remains functional and aesthetically pleasing over time. 


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Finding your ideal home is a breeze with us. Trust the process!

Embark on a seamless journey to finding your dream home with us. Navigating the process is effortless, and you can trust our expertise to guide you every step of the way. From understanding your preferences to presenting curated options, we ensure that your search for the ideal home is not just efficient but also enjoyable. Your trust in our process is the foundation of our commitment to making your home-finding experience a smooth and satisfying endeavor. 

How to reach us?

GUWAHATI OFFICE:  Ground Floor,Rama Enclave House No-61,Ananda Nagar Lalganesh,Guwahati-781034 

DELHI OFFICE: 1206,Chittaranjan Park, Near CR Park Market 2, New Delhi – 110019,Delhi